Envision Lake Okeechobee Logo Feb27

Envision Lake Okeech...

This is the logo I designed for the Envision Lake Okeechobee project. It is used on the Lake Okeechobee Regional Initiative (LORI) portion of the Collins Center’s...

Our Florida. Our Future. Logo Feb20

Our Florida. Our Fut...

This is the final version of the logo I designed for the Our Florida. Our Future initiative from the Collins Center. Our Florida. Our Future is a five year civic engagement project that explores possible scenarios in Florida’s Future and encourages people to discuss possible outcomes...


A site redesign I have been working on for a while launched today. diazshafer.com and the sister site mytampalawyer.com are officially...

Lake Okeechobee Regi...

Here is a microsite I built at Collins Center for the LORI project. It was launched this week at the company retreat in Clewiston,...

Weekend Special Jan07

Weekend Special

Here is an e-mail campaign I created for Beneva Flowers kicking of the New Year with savings. If features a 20% savings offer and a facebook tie-in. This e-mail was cross-platform tested to degrade gracefully in a multitude of email...

LeRoy Collins Intera...

Here is a micro site page I built for The Collins Center which features a horizontally scrolling timeline of videos. It was constructed in flash and plays streaming videos when the user selects one of the periods on the timeline. This was a fun project and I learned a lot about Gov. LeRoy...

things-to-do Dec02


The Thing-to-do iPhone app campaign gets great results over 7,700 downloads in the first two weeks. This was one of the pieces I created in a broad print marketing campaign. The app is going to be very successful it is rich in features and loaded with content. Hats off to Haneke Design for...


Here is a microsite I recently built for Beneva Flowers to promote their new Floralapp. I also worked on the GUI design for the app. Click on the image to check out the...

Cyber Monday Nov29

Cyber Monday

This is the Cyber Monday companion email. There were several pieces to this campaign; the video file (posted here earlier) which linked to an interior page with the offer and a QR Code on it, a mobile coupon – linked to the QR Code, and this email to drive traffic to the...

Straz Center – Billy Elliot Nov29

Straz Center –...

The creative I did for the Straz Center’s Billy Elliot page takeover got picked up by AlliedLive for use in their national campaign. Click on the image to check it...

Cyber Monday Motion ...

Cyber Monday preroll spot from Scott McCreedy on Vimeo. Here is the latest video created for Beneva Flowers new web site. It was created in conjunction with an email campaign and landing page and was featured on the homepage of benevaflowers.com....

Hugs First Kisses La...

South Florida Ag Expo Nov11

South Florida Ag Exp...

Give More. Get More. Oct25

Give More. Get More.

Here is an email I created for Beneva Flowers promoting their reward points...

Greenwise launch Oct12

Greenwise launch

Here is the rich media page takeover I designed as part of Public’s Supermarkets Greenwise market launch. Click here to see the print ads that ran in conjunction with this web campaign and click the image to see it in...