Leadership and Ethics Conference May25

Leadership and Ethic...

Collins Center Interview May14

Collins Center Inter...

Here is a video interview I shot and edited for the Collins Center for Public Policy. It features Charles Zwick, Collins Center Trustee Emeritus, talking about the origins of the...

Collins Center Conve...

Deepwater Horizon: What Happened, why and where do we go from here? Presented December 13, 2011 by Dr. Frank Alcock, Senior Fellow at the Collins Center for Public Policy, as part of the New College of Florida lecture series, New Topic, New...

LeRoy Collins Intera...

Here is a micro site page I built for The Collins Center which features a horizontally scrolling timeline of videos. It was constructed in flash and plays streaming videos when the user selects one of the periods on the timeline. This was a fun project and I learned a lot about Gov. LeRoy...

things-to-do pre-rol...

This is a concept I created for a 30 second pre-roll video for tampabay.com’s things-to-do.

Bill “BC WOO” Paints Live Oct16

Bill “BC WOO&#...

This is a short promotional video I shot and edited for BC WOO